Hello everyone, it's been a while hasn't it? Not long after my last post I found that I was distracted and absorbed by other things and other hobbies. Myself and my group of friends did quite a bit of experimenting with 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons in 2019, and since I was the dungeon master for most of our games it took up a lot of my 'hobby time'.
But, a few weeks ago I swung back around to my Napoleonics. Naturally I laid some plans to order in more models. As luck would have it my shift in interests took place at the beginning of a global pandemic, so I wasn't able to order from my usual supplier in the UK. Thankfully I was able to make an order via an Australian store, even if it wasn't for all the kits I had wanted. In particular I was after Waterloo 1815's Highlanders in Square and HaT's Peninsular War British Infantry.
In a previous post I mentioned that I would be painting another three bases of French Cuirassiers. I thought I had made a post about them, but apparently I did not. So here is the completed six-base regiment, now including an officer as well as a bugler.
On a side note, I ran a few numbers and discovered that my original sizing for cavalry units was too small. At the 1:33 ratio I've been using for my infantry, three cavalry bases equates to about 200 men, which is more of a squadron than a regiment. Plus, Over the Hills (the rules system I'm hoping to use) seems to encourage cavalry units of four to six bases. A three base unit can't neatly adopt all the possible formations. I don't mind this size increase as much as I thought I might, but the downside is that several of my cavalry units are now too small to function as full units and at some point I will have to try and expand them.
I had also mentioned in the past that I would be repainting and rebasing my old British infantry. I have done so, and they worked out to four battalions. The first lot are Airfix while the others are Revell. I've owned these figures since I was very young, but it wasn't until recently that they were all properly based and painted as actual British soldiers. Back when I was obsessed with Quatre Bras, a lot of them served different roles. Some of the Airfix acted as Black Brunswickers, while some of the Revell figures had to wear blue as Dutch-Belgians.
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(I think I have made a small error here by painting the flag as the pre-1801 Union Jack without the cross of St. Patrick.) |
I also painted up another officer from the Waterloo 1815 line officers set to act as a brigade commander for the British. Running out of mounted officers is a particular concern of mine, as they can be tricky to find in 1/72nd plastic. For now all is well though, and after seeing Waterloo 1815 release a set dedicated to Prussian commanders I'm hopeful that they may give the British and others a similar treatment.
I mentioned Over the Hills earlier as being the rule set I'm hoping to use. I haven't done much actual wargaming with my Napoleonic collection, aside from sporadic attempts at writing my own rules (they all became over complicated, unclear, boring, messy or a combination thereof). I actually bought the rulebook for Over the Hills back in 2018 and did a brief experiment with it then. Since coming back around to Napoleonics again I have done some more testing, though I still have yet to play a full test game as I simply don't have enough units painted. I'm hopeful that after getting through the current lot of figures I can try playing a game and get to grips with these rules, which seem promising from the tests.
I look forward to making more progress with this project in the coming weeks. Perhaps I'll even have a battle report in there somewhere. Stay safe everyone.Cheers!